Meet the Family

Spent his 20's traveling around the US as missionary musician in the underground rave scene. Since marrying the love of his life in July 2007, he has worked in the salt water aquarium industry. As of January 2011, he is a graduate student at Multnomah Seminary.

Has spent the last 10yrs actively involved in Celebrate Recovery. She has traveled all over the world as a missionary, including 7 mos in El Salvador where she found her passion....the homeless community. Since marrying Daniel she has worked in one of the nation's largest homeless shelters.

The first child of Regi & Daniel. She is due to enter the world on August 31, 2011. She has 8 cousins, many Aunties & Uncles and Grandma's & Grandpa's eagerly awaiting her arrival. Her favorite past times include; organ development, learning how to breath under water, and poking Regi at the most inopportune times.

Pandora (cat):
She's the old lady of the family. She has 2 full paws on each front foot (4 front paws in all). She also has one green eye and blue eye. Her favorite past times include; sleeping in the sink, staring longingly out the sliding door, family movie night, and pretending not to like Basho.

Basho (dog):
Rescued from the streets of Mexico as a puppy. He is a black mix breed and is the goof ball of the house. His favorite past times include; playing ball, tormenting Pandora, hanging out with his friend Rowdy, going anywhere in the car.

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